Shortcut to Shutdown, Restart or Logoff Windows 8 with one click
Unlike earlier versions of Windows OS, Windows 8 doesn’t offer easier way to Shutdown, Restart and Logoff. Windows predecessor’s Shutdown, Restart and Logoff button are included under Start menu options. While in Windows 8, to Power Off, Restart or Logoff your system, you need to perform certain steps. Go to charms bar, then to settings and next power. Here itself you can Shutdown or Restart your PC. The tutorial here puts an easy way to do these operations with just one click in Windows 8.
To perform Shutdown, Restart or Logoff Windows 8 in one click we need to create shortcuts for the operations.
Steps to Create shortcuts for Shutdown, Restart and Logoff
- Go to Desktop and right click on it
- From the right click context menu, select New > Shortcut
- In create shortcut window, under field location type the respective commands to perform the following the actions as given below
- To create shortcut for “Shutdown” type:
C:\Windows\System32\cmd.exe /C C:\Windows\System32\shutdown.exe /s /t 0
and hit “Next” - To create shortcut for “Restart” type:
C:\Windows\System32\cmd.exe /C C:\Windows\System32\shutdown.exe /r /t 0 - To create shortcut for “LogOff” type:
C:\Windows\System32\cmd.exe /C C:\Windows\System32\shutdown.exe /l - Next, assign a name for the shortcut and click Finish button
- In shortcut’s properties, click on shortcut tab and select Change Icon
- Now, click on Browse at the right of Look for icons in this file box
- Next, navigate to “C:\Windows\System32″ folder and open “shell32.dll” file
- Choose an Icon from the list of available icons as the icon for the newly created shortcut and hit OK
Close all shortcut properties window. Now your shortcut is ready to use. You can now place your shortcut button anywhere you want or pin it to the taskbar or start screen or to start wherever you find it is useful or easier to use or access. To pin the shortcut, right click on it and select Pin to taskbar or simply drag and drop the shortcut to taskbar.
You can now Shutdown, Restart or Logoff Windows 8 with just one click on the shortcut. To create shortcut for Hybrid shutdown in Windows 8, click on this link.
Upon following the tutorial here you can now easily Shutdown, Restart or Logoff with just one click on Windows 8.
Upon following the tutorial here you can now easily Shutdown, Restart or Logoff with just one click on Windows 8.