
Download iOS 6.1.4 for iPhone 5

iOS 6.1.4 Released for iPhone 5

If you are using the current iOS smartphone, then you will be happy to know that now you can install a new version of firmware on your device. The Cupertino company has released iOS 6.1.4 for the current iOS smartphone, but you cannot install it on your old iOS smartphone, iOS tablet and iPod touch. After installing it on your device, you will be able to see an updated audio profile. The Cupertino company has recently releasediOS 6.1.3 to fix an issue with iPhone lock screen. You will not face any issue with iPhone lock screen after installing iOS 6.1.3.
iOS 6.1.4 Released for iPhone 5
Now you can download the new firmware via OTA update. It carries the build number 10B350. It is not recommended for all iOS device users. You can install it only on your iPhone 5. It is incompatible with iPhone 4S, iPhone 4, iPhone 3GS, iPod touch 5G, iPod touch 4G, iPad mini, iPad 4, iPad 2 and the new iPad. TheCupertino company has recently released iOS 6.1.2 to fix Microsoft Exchange bug. You will not face any difficulty while using Microsoft Exchange on your device after installing iOS 6.1.2. As we know the Cupertino company releases beta version of firmware before releasing the final version, but they have not released any beta version of iOS 6.1.4 before releasing the final version of iOS 6.1.4.
If you are a big fan of jailbreak, then you should note that you will not be able to jailbreak your current iOS smartphone on iOS 6.1.4. Jailbreak lovers should avoid installing this firmware on their iOS device until the release of the new jailbreak tool. It is expected that evad3rs dev team will release a new tool to jailbreak iOS 6.1.4 untethered on iPhone 5. If you don’t depend on jailbreak, then you can install it on your device. iOS 6.1.4 can be downloaded for iPhone 5 from the links given below.