LG has finally launched LG Optimus G Pro in India. With a 1.7 GHz Qualcomm Snapdragon 600 quad-core processor and 5.5 inch full HD display, this Android Jellybean (v4.1.2) device it is a worthy successor to LG Optimus G launched a few months back.
The Optimus G Pro is the first smartphone to be equipped with 1.7 GHz Qualcomm Snapdragon 600 quad-core processor. Also, the Optimus G Pro is incidentally LG’s first Full HD smartphone and adopts a Full HD IPS Display which doubles the resolution compared to True HD IPS. The smartphone features 5.5 inch display with a 1920 X 1080 resolution and has a total of 2,073,600 pixels. LG claims that the pixel density of 400ppi is the highest amongst the smartphones in the market making text and images to look much more vivid, crisp, and brighter.
The smart LED lighting around the home button displays various colors to alert users. The lighting alerts the users for missed calls and messages among other notifications with various colors. The 5.5 inch display fits nicely in the hands due to the narrowed width and minimized bezel to 3.65mm.
Like the Samsung Galaxy S4, Optimus G Pro includes its share of gimmicks, some useful and some just fancy additions. There’s a Dual Recording feature that captures video with both the front and rear cameras simultaneously for a unique picture-in-picture experience. The Virtual Reality Panorama feature allows 360 degree viewing, from taking pictures of both horizontal and vertical environment.
“With Optimus G Pro we have pushed the boundaries of computing and technological innovation to develop a smartphone that caters to both business and lifestyle needs of today’s customers. With this launch we are gearing towards our aim of capturing 10% market share of the smartphone category by end of 2014.”
- Mr. Soon Kwon, Managing Director, LG India
According to LG, the smartphone market in India is growing rapidly and there is a huge demand for big screen size mobile phones. The market size for 5 inch and above screens is expected to be 1.5 million units by end of 2013. To keep up the pace, LG Mobiles has earmarked INR 80 crores for strengthening the infrastructure for retail development and marketing activities.
At INR 42,500, LG Optimus G Pro ticks all feature lists and comes packed with top of the line specifications. It’s a great phone, but faces tough competition from Samsung Galaxy S4 and HTC One, the mascots of the Android ecosystem at the moment.
The LG Optimus G Pro has been priced quite premiumly when compared to other devices available in the market. If you are in the market to pick up a premium smartphone you can consider the iPhone 5,BlackBerry Q10, BlackBerry Z10, HTC One, Samsung Galaxy S4, Sony Xperia Z and the Note II before making your purchase decision.