
Check out these beautiful, colorful mockups of the budget iPhone

Apple's next media event, likely this Fall, will be one to remember – and that's not including the iPad 5 and potential second generation iPad mini. If the publication world as of late is anything to go on, Apple is set to enter a brand new market with the rumored “budget iPhone”. Although the rumor world has been buzzing non stop about the low-end device, information has been scarce. Of course, that doesn't mean we can imagine, just as Martin Hajek has. He's come up with a beautiful and colorful set of images depicting what the budget iPhone may look like.

While information and details may be scarce that's not to say we're completely in the dark, or so we'd like to think. Some of the information leaked about the device has it to be plastic body with rounder edges than the iPhone 5. Color wise, Apple is expected to base the devices off of iPhone 4 bumpers.

iOS 7 looks incredibly natural on the blue and white model:

Hajek even went so far as to imagine what the Apple web page may look like featuring the device: