
Download JottiQ, a file scanner with multiple antivirus engines

Download JottiQ, a file scanner with multiple antivirus engines

JottiQ is a free tool that makes it more convenient to use Jotti’s online malware scanner. It acts as a go-between and relays the suspect files to Jotti’s website.
Most of us visit Jotti or VirusTotal, when we want to check up a suspect file with multiple antivirus scanners.
Rather than visit the website and upload the suspect file, JottiQ lets you do it easily with a simple drag-and-drop effort.

Once the queued file is processed, you can also see the results in the app itself.
JottiQ is an investigative tool and not meant to replace your virus scanner.

JottiQ download

The latest version as of date is v 1.0.2 and you can download it from its download page. The .exe file is an installer whereas the .7z file is the portable version.
List of Online Malware Scanners using Multiple AntiVirus Engines may also interest you! VirusTotal also offers adesktop utility called as VirusTotal Uploader.