
Miro 6.0 for Windows

Miro screen shot


Superb TV and streaming video player that enables you to watch on-demand content through your PC
Review Rating: rating
Platform: Windows 8 compatible, Windows Vista 64-bit, Windows 7, Windows 7 64-bit, Windows Vista, Windows XP
Size: 45.83 Mb
Number of Downloads: 5570
Price: Free

With the increasing popularity of broadband, video on the web has never been easier to enjoy. Websites like YouTube can be a little hit and miss so the Miro player offers a more specific way to enjoy the videos you want.
Miro organises videos into feeds, much like an RSS player and there are lots of feeds that can be added to the list.
The installation process is very simple and the installer is very well behaved, only becoming the default player for the file types that are actively specified rather than assuming that it should take charge of all media type.
There is a comprehensive list of available channels that can be set to download new videos. It will look for videos on the computer to play and add them to the list in the software.
Option to start Miro with windows to speed up its start up and to continue downloading videos in the background.
There is a comprehensive channel guide and once a channel is selected, new videos can be downloaded automatically when they are posted.
The quality of playback is very good and the player can play in fullscreen if required.
Videos downloaded from the internet are stored until Miro decides that enough disk space has been taken up. When this happens the oldest videos are deleted to make room for the newer ones. Videos specifically saved will not be deleted.
This is the latest v3 that ships with subtitles support, a performance upgrade and much more.
Note that Mac OS X and Linux versions are available from the GetMiro WebSite.