
Delete all your Twitter Updates with TwitWipe

Delete all your Twitter Updates with TwitWipe
It has been a long-long time since the Twitter service was started and if you are someone who are tweeting right from those early days then you must have accumulated around thousands oftweets in your profile. While some of the tweets would have been really useful for others, others (in fact, most of them) would have been just time pass.

Well in case you wish to clean up your twitter account by deleting all of the twitter updates, you can do so in just a single click. Why would you want to do this? The reason may be simple, to start all over with the same account or if you want to handover your account to someone you know, you might want to wipe it off.

To achieve this, you just have to make use of this free online service called TwitWipe. Just visit this page, click on the Sign in with Twitter button, and login using your Twitter credentials (don’t worry this is safe). You will then be asked one more to confirm, and on proceeding ahead, you can wipe your twitter account completely.
An interesting point to note here is that, this is some irreversible process and once your tweets are deleted there is no way of getting them back, so be completely sure before doing this. The service takes only some seconds for cleanup.