Google Play movies allows users to buy and then stream popular films in India. Buying a movie costs an average of Rs 500 and the renting costs around Rs 120, unless you want it in HD which will cost a little more.
The Play store had some popular films like Ek Tha Tiger, Amazing Spiderman andPremium Rush. Ek Tha Tiger was available for Rs 390 (purchase) and Rs 100 (rent). And the Store also have around 38 Bollywood films. With most Google Play movie rentals, you have 30 days from the time of purchase to start your movie and 24 hours from the time you begin playback to finish watching. Google Play Store will also give you HD quality films for Rs 100 if you are not too concerned about where it came from. According to Google’s terms and conditions, customers have the ability to return or cancel their purchase anytime within seven days of purchase if they have not begun playback. However if you have ordered content that is defective, unavailable or does not perform as stated, you may request a refund at any time. Google Play is definitely more expensive than your friendly neighbourhood DVD sales store. |